In SRC Assembly:
Extend the SRC instruction set by adding an instruction swap ra, rb; (op = 7), that exchanges the contents of the two specified registers.
a) define a plausible abstract RTN for this instruction.
b) develop the concrete RTN for it, assuming the 1-bus SRC microarchitecture.
a) RTN for instruction Swap the contents of registers are
swap(:= op = 7) --> ( R[ra] <-- R[rb]: R[rb] <--R[ra]):
Step RTN
T0 MA <-- PC: C <-- PC + 4;
T1 MD <-- M[MA]: PC <-- C;
T2 IR <-- MD
T3 MD <-- R[ra];
T4 C <-- R[rb];
T5 R[ra] <-- C;
T6 R[rb] <-- MD;
Here assuming C as temporary regiter initially rb value stored and then ra is assigned with C, MD valued is assigned to rb the contents of both registers are swaped.
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